The frustration levels are growing

I normally choose not to comment on political circumstances, given as I am more concerned with providing counseling services and support for counselors. But, I must comment on the present circumstances in the USA. The frustration levels are growing, and are impacting the lives of everyday people in unhealthy ways. Marriages are suffering more, road rage is more prevalent, violence on the job (through shootings and such) is much more common, and things don’t seem to be getting any better at all.

What’s the problem? As a counselor, I tend to look for the root of a problem to identify the means of bringing about change. If I were to look at society in the United States as a client in need of counseling, and if I take all of the above-mentioned circumstances as symptoms of the overall problem, I have to say the frustration is the root problem. The question here is now, “What is bringing on the frustration?” If one can identify the source of a problem, and take steps to change the circumstances involved, they can then bring about healthy results.

In the United States, the source of the problem is all the rhetoric on both sides of the political equation. Political correctness is one of the tools which are used to erode the cohesion which used to be prevalent in this country. The wrongly used and incorrectly defined word “racist” (which refers ONLY to race) is used to label anyone who disagrees with a specific point of view which is being espoused by certain people. The news media is clearly slanted in a specific and intentioned way. Certain people are so unhappy with the results of the Presidential election that they have convinced themselves that violence is the ONLY answer. Movie stars (which pretend to be someone that they are not) condemn anyone who does not agree with their own personal points of view. Blacks are treated by the Liberals as though they are so stupid and helpless that they cannot even get an identification card for voting, even though they are able to get driver’s licenses and other documentations for work and daily life. Homosexuals have been commandeered by the Left into believing that their rights are being taken away from them, even though laws have been passed to protect them as well as other American people. And, the list goes on and on.

As a counselor, I am concerned for my “client,” the United States of America. She is like a manic-depressive with bipolar disorder who is contemplating suicide. The frustration level is growing daily. The situation in Chicago is one of the most prominent symptoms of this being true. Statistics argue that the situation there has reached a point from which there may be no easy return. Police shootings of Blacks (valid or not) have been exploited by the Left, for their own political purposes. Liberals and the Left have no love for Blacks at all, they want only to use the issues to gain votes at the ballot, but offering no real solutions. We can see the results from cities controlled (sometimes for many years) by liberals, and the results to the communities and their economies. The Left messes up things in the US and publicly blamed the Right for the problems. The Right on the other hand, tends to mostly be clueless about what needs to be done which will resolve matters, or at least improve conditions. The frustration level on both sides is growing. And, unless there is something done to ease the pressures felt by both sides, we will experience an explosion of unparalleled proportions very soon.

When asked what kind of apocalyptical event might happen in the future, many people answer, with tongue in cheek, that they are expecting Zombies to rise up and take over the world. Some will argue that aliens will show up and invade the earth. While still others will exclaim that the plague will kill off millions of people. These and other such predictions are mostly funny and weird. As a counselor, I study my clients and soon learn how that think, and so I am more readily able to extrapolate and discern many of their actions, and the results of those actions. People do what they do because they believe what they believe.

My diagnosis of my “client,” the United States of America, is that she is in serious trouble. Her frustration level is such that I am expecting her to do something which will self-damage herself. If this were a human being, I would be required by law to report to the authorities that I believed that she was considering causing harm to herself. So, you may ask, what can be done about it. Well, what is needed is an intervention, but the problem is who would be able to do that? The United States’ split-personality means that she is at war with herself. Under these circumstances the “client” does not know who to listen to, so therefore will listen to no one. And, as with many “clients,” sometimes you have to allow the course to be followed so the person will learn from the consequences of how to choose new and better behavior. Unfortunately, in this case, it means possible internal conflict. War with ourselves and against each other. Who will win? The one with the biggest guns. Uh … isn’t that why they want to take away your guns and rifles?

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