Expository Apologetics – An Introduction

Author: Moses Trevino

Expository Apologetics is a tool that many believers should have in their “back pocket.” Still, unfortunately, it is not taught in many of the churches that believers attend. The lack of this teaching is an issue, and it needs correction. Most believers can tell you what church they attend and what song the worship team sings is their favorite but can’t tell you what they believe about the God they worship and why they believe in Him. I know firsthand that this is true. Even though I grew up in the church, I was one of those believers. My father was a Pastor for many years, and I saw him, disciple men and women. I attended the tent revivals he put together because he had a desire to allow God to use him to show the love of Christ. I helped him paint houses at the age of eight to pay for time at a radio station to preach the gospel. It wasn’t until I made one bad decision after another that I resulted in a stipulation to find help or lose my marriage. After attending counseling for several months, I had a chance to be the husband and father the bible calls me to be for my wife and kids.

In this process, I became aware of Expository Apologetics. Expository Apologetics is not only a tool but a weapon that believers can use to answer objections that none believers have used Scripture. I am still not an expert, and I am not only thankful but grateful for this ongoing process because it pushes you to stay studying Scripture. It keeps you hungry to know more about the creator and Savoir of this awesome universe.

Why It’s Important?

The bible is clear that all believers have a calling to defend their faith. Even though the bible can be intimidating, it is the one book we should all have and read every single day. Some people think that you need to have a title in the church to understand what it says and be able to teach from it. Most people who have a Bible app or own a bible never read it. Some individuals only open it on Sundays when their pastor is preaching or when tragedy knocks at their door. Apologetics is for everyone, and to learn Expository Apologetics, you will have to dive into the word of God. When you do, you will find out why Expository Apologetics is important. In and of itself, apologetics is merely knowing what we believe, why we believe it, and being able to communicate it to others effectively. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in us.

Why would the Scripture tell us to always be prepared to do this?

Because souls are at stake, we can be the ones who sow that seed of faith that God one day chooses to grow. To do that, we need to spend time studying Scripture, which needs to become important in our day-to-day lives. We take for granted the freedom we have to share our faith with others. Christians in other countries suffer persecution for even having a bible. Some even lose their life for sharing the gospel. Thank God we live in a country where we have the freedom to gather together and worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What are we doing with this freedom? We need to use the freedom we have to dive into Scripture and learn so much that we can start conversations that will spark a desire in others to want to know more about Jesus. As Christians, we should have this burning desire to present Christ to the lost. Sometimes we don’t know where or how to start, but we all have relatives, friends, and coworkers to whom we can share our testimony. Just sharing our testimony can open doors to serious conversation. Expository Apologetics will help you answer questions and hopefully lead someone to Christ.

The Purpose of Expository Apologetics

Expository Apologetics is so important that every church should have classes and books for their congregation about the basic foundations of Apologetics. Expository Apologetics is so important that it can make a difference in the church that can make a difference in the community that can make a difference in the world. In learning Expository Apologetics, one would have to spend time reading and studying the bible. Doing that alone will help any believer in his or her walk with God. Expository Apologetics can help start a conversation with friends and family members that lead to questions that change what they believe to be true about the bible. People have believed lies for too many years. I am referring to what they believe about the Bible and what they believe about themselves. People do what they do because they believe what they believe. As a pastor once said, “The answer, is found in the problem.” One of the problems is that the church has lacked in teaching Apologetics & Expository Apologetics. Having this tool at your disposal will allow you to have the confidence that we should have in Jesus Christ to share the truth about the bible. Expository Apologetics encourages the believer to challenge the unbeliever’s conceptions about the bible. It does it by using the truth of Scripture. You will then be able to point out the inconsistency in the views and worldview of the unbeliever. Culture has played a big part in spreading false doctrine. Jude 1:3-4 warns us of ungodly people that seek to pervert the grace of our God. Every unbeliever claims to be true is true only if God has made it true. Instead of instructing people to do things differently, we need to encourage them to believe things differently. People do what they do because they believe what they believe.

Why We Should Care

If you are ok with going to church twice a week and saying you are a Christian, then this isn’t for you. But if you take the word of God seriously and believe what the bible says to be true, then it’s time to make a choice. You have to choose to continue to live the way you have been living or decide to change. If you obey the word of God, you will change. Our goal should be to obey God. We need to stop trying to impress people. We need to stop worrying about what people think of us. And, instead, worry about what God thinks of us.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says we are a new creation and that the old has passed away; behold, the new has come. We don’t have to continue living the way we have been living. Change can start today if you choose to obey the word of God.

Expository Apologetics can help you change the way loved ones feel about giving their life over to Christ and accepting him as their savior. You have the opportunity to be part of the change in your loved one’s life and other people’s life. Take your life (and the life of your loved ones) seriously. You can find a Church or enroll in an online course that will help you study the bible and teaches Expository Apologetics. This kind of study is an ongoing process that takes time but is well worth it. I live in Texas, and Texans like to talk about their guns. I can tell you that Expository Apologetics is one weapon we can use to fight the enemy. Still, just like any weapon, you must first learn how to use it. I pray that you choose to learn more about Expository Apologetics so you can have a weapon to fight the enemy.

Wrapping It Up

We now know that to defend our faith, we can do it with Expository Apologetics. We are now aware that the bible calls us to always be prepared to defend our faith. Expository Apologetics equips us with the tools to do so. You now know that it takes studying the bible and that it is an ongoing process that takes time. If there is a tool that we can obtain to help win souls for Christ Jesus, it is Expository Apologetics. If you want a weapon to fight the enemy, it is Expository Apologetics.

Moses Trevino is a husband and father, who ministers to youth. His desire is to be used by God to reach many souls and change young people’s lives.

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